7 Business Careers you can pursue with a Global Studies Degree


Global studies have become an easy ticket for individuals looking to explore the entire world. With a global studies degree, traveling across the globe and engaging with different work cultures becomes a part of the job description. Thus making it easier for you to make a truly global impact. And with the growing concept of globalization, and the world economy corporations are continuously extending their reach and looking for employees who can help them manage operations truly comprehensively. Therefore, if you want to start your international business career, now is definitely the time.

But it’s always advisable to understand and explore all your options before you get yourself a degree. So let us first understand what is global studies degree is.

What is a ‘Global Studies Degree’?

To put it in simple words, global studies degree teaches you the concept of globalization. You will study various aspects of it, like international politics, media, history, economics, business, society, and culture. In the first two years of the program, students are introduced to the core concepts of literature, history, anthropology, business, history, and communication. Going forward, you will have to choose an elective based on your area of interest and career goals.

As mentioned earlier, a global studies degree opens up several career options for you. We have listed down the top 7 among them. Read on to find out.

Management analyst

The primary function of a management analyst is to increase the productivity of the organization by implementing new ways. They usually work in proximity with the upper management and advise them on how to increase and improve the overall performance of the company by solving different organizational issues. They also help organizations to assess new markets where they can extend their operations and adopt new operation strategies.

Typically, the day-to-day functions of a management analyst include the following list of tasks:

  • Collecting and evaluating company data synch as expenditure, revenue, and employment reports, across all global divisions.
  • Interacting with overseas management to come up with measures to solve company issues on a global scale in the best possible way.
  • Proposing new arrangements, measures, organizational changes to be carried out across all international offices.
  • Engaging with management to make sure that changes are being implemented conclusively.

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers work with sales executives, art directors, public relations managers, product developers, and other employees of the company to create fascinating marketing campaigns. They are also responsible for improving the global sales of the company. They also need to be updated about the latest global trends and use them to come up with products that fit the worldwide demands.

Following are the day-to-day tasks of a marketing manager:

  • Engaging with management and team members to manage budgets, advertising media, marketing plans, and contracts.
  • Designing marketing campaigns that meet the target markets.
  • Conducting market research to understand customer opportunities
  • Thoroughly studying what competitions are offering
  • Understanding the global market demands
  • Creating a brand feel and maintaining it steadily

Human Resource Manager

A human resources manager works as an intermediary between the senior management and employees of an organization. International HR managers look after the diversity of the workforce, legal restrictions on an international scale. They also make sure that all labor and tax laws are being followed.

Apart from this, an HR manager also has the following duties to perform:

  • Maintaining harmony between management and employees
  • Solve sensitive issues like equal employment opportunities and equal pay based on gender etc. under national and international laws
  • Handling international support staff, contractors and employees
  • Creating and maintaining a good work culture


Economist collects data, analyze them, create theories, evaluate economic issues and study the production and circulation of goods and services. An international economist does the same work on an international scale to increase the profit of the organization they are working for. They also study the economic effects of current laws and regulations and help organizations work accordingly.

Economists also have to perform the following tasks:

  • With help of mathematical tools and database management programs, conduct surveys and examine global data
  • Study and project global market trends
  • Devising tables, reports, and charts that represent their findings
  • Making policies and recommendations to solve international economic issues.


Executives create strategies for the organization that is in terms of the company’s goals. They also manage employees and resources at the same time. Global executives look after the company’s policies, goals, and procedures across national borders.

A global executive will have the following responsibilities:

  • Look after the smooth ongoing of operations
  • Evaluating company’s financial reports and sales data
  • Appointing department heads and managers internationally
  • Coming up with ways to improve the company’s overall performance, reduce cost and increase revenue

Financial Analyst

A financial analyst looks after the investments of an organization. For guiding their company through international investments, they need to have a thorough knowledge of a region’s language, environment culture, and political background. Side by side they also need to understand global currencies, diplomacy, and worldwide stock exchanges and use this knowledge in the best possible way.

International financial analysts also have to perform the following duties:

  • Study present and past financial data to determine international market trends
  • Learned global economic and business patterns
  • Assess all their international division’s financial records
  • Proposing foreign investment and portfolios

Policy Analyst

Policy analysts scrutinize governments, legal systems, political trends, and other related issues, and based on this they inform public policy. They also study critical political issues and provide solutions for them. While working on an international level, policy analyst works on one or more areas of global relations such as global trade,  international business policies, national defense, global economics, and foreign law.

Responsibilities of a policy analyst also include:

  • Observing global events and policy decisions
  • Assessing outcomes of proposed legislation, regulations, and resources on an international scale
  • Analyzing global key trends, strategies, and policies
  • Creating and testing theories with the help of statistical analysis


There is absolutely no limit to international business careers in today’s world. All you have to do is find a job that best suits your interest and skill set. Once you have done that, you are all set to conquer the world.
